AML Preworkout - The Ultimate Performance Enhancer
AML Preworkout packs your muscle cells with energy, increasing endurance and pushing your muscles to work harder and longer. Add in Preworkout's specially chosen ingredients for boosting mood and motivation and you have a winning formula for workout intensity and resilience.
Intensify Energy and Motivation
Motivation is a key factor in bodybuilding success. We all know that there are days when it's hard to get up and get pumping iron. A primary contributor to pre-workout fatigue is a weary central nervous system (CNS) that isn't sending the right signals to your body and brain. Fortunately, AML has discovered a unique blend of compounds that conquer CNS fatigue and get you motivated and focused ahead of your workout.
Dopamine Increases Drive To Exercise
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that allow neurotransmission, the sending of signals to nerves in the body. The function of neurotransmitters is key to motivation and energy before your workout.
Two of the most important neurotransmitters for combating pre-workout fatigue are serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is associated with sleep and drowsiness, while dopamine has a powerful influence on motivation.
If the serotonin to dopamine ratio gets too high, your body will feel tired and getting motivated to work out will become harder. On the other hand, if dopamine levels can be increased so that the ratio gets smaller, CNS function will improve and your exercise performance will get better.
AML Preworkout Is Loaded With The Most Potent Dopamine Enhancers
Since reduced dopamine levels equals reduced motivation and performance, we've designed AML Preworkout to give your dopamine levels a boost with the most potent dopamine enhancers available today.
Studies have shown that taking the dopamine precursor tyrosine is an effective performance booster, increasing the length of an exercise session by up to 16 percent. Not only does tyrosine help you exercise longer, it increases the body's tolerance for exercise, letting you work out more without feeling like you've expended a lot of extra effort.
Preworkout combines powerful tyrosine with the tropical plant mucuna pruriens and folic acid, both of which have been shown to incrase dopamine levels in the brain.
Increase Dopamine and Adrenaline For An Extra Boost
The hormone adrenaline is well known for supporting the "fight or flight" response in the body. A shot of adrenalin through your body is a potent performance enhancer – adrenaline activity increases levels of glucose and fatty acids in the blood, providing muscle cells with more energy. AML Preworkout simultaneously increases both dopamine and adrenaline for even greater mental focus.
The Energetic Buzz From Caffeine
The performance-enhancing buzz from caffeine has two components. First, caffeine enhances the contraction force of the muscles and boosts muscle energy for a more powerful weightlifting workout. Second, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and provides a welcome increase in mental focus. Consuming caffeine gives you a surge of both dopamine and adrenaline for greater concentration and intensity, which is why we add it to AML Preworkout.
Piperine Triggers Extra Adrenaline
Piperine, a natural compound that occurs in black pepper, has been show to trigger adrenaline release by stimulating the nervous system. Piperine also supports the gastrointestinal absorption and subsequent use of the other nutrients in AML Preworkout.
AML Preworkout Improves Muscular Endurance
A truly effective pre-workout supplement is one that improves muscular endurance for extended intensity during your workout. Fortunately, AML Preworkout is loaded with the amino acid beta-alanine, which has many positive effects on health and exercise performance.
Beta-alanine reduces the acidity in muscles and works within muscle cells to buffer the negative effects of lactic acid on exercise capacity. That's why beta-alanine is a key ingredient for improved muscle endurance during workouts.
Enhanced Blood Flow and Stamina
AML Preworkout is loaded with citrulline, an amino acid that has been shown to increase blood flow in the muscles. The presence of citrulline triggers the body to relax the muscles of the arterial walls, opening the arteries up and increasing blood flow. This leads to increased stamina, thanks to more essential nutrients and oxygen being pumped into hardworking muscles.
AML Preworkout also contains watermelon, beetroot and grape skin extracts. These natural compounds have been shown to powerfully stimulate the production of nitric oxide for enhanced vasodilation and better muscle performance.
Potassium and Magnesium Boost Circulation
Potassum and magnesium citrate are powerful compounds with a measurable effect on circulation. Studies have shown that higher potassium intake can reduce the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. These compounds enhance vasodilation, boosting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure for a healthier workout. The addition of citrate upgrades exercise performance for maximum power.
Enhance Blood Flow With Folic Acid
BH4 is a compound that boosts the production of nitric oxide, improving blood flow to the muscles. Too little BH4 in the body can adversely affect the circulation and contribute to circulatory disease. Taking BH4 as a supplement has not proven to be an effective remedy, however, consumption of folic acid has been shown to increase BH4 production and improve nitric oxide levels, making it an ideal addition to AML Preworkout.
Citruline Improves Exercise Performance
Exercise-induced muscle fatigue is a serious issue for any dedicated bodybuilder. One of the key contributing factors to exercise-induced muscle fatigue is the accumulation of both ammonia and lactic acid within the muscles.
Ammonia is a byproduct of intense muscle contractions, which can quickly build up and cause fatigue. Ammonia buildup can also lead to increased lactic acid in the muscles, inhibiting exercise performance.
Citruline is an amino acid that reduces the accumulation of ammonia and brings down lactic acid levels in the muscles, leading to a noticeable improvement in exercise performance.
Enhance Muscle Power With Preworkout's Unique Blend
To be truly effective, any pre-workout supplement needs to increase muscle strength and power output. That's why AML Preworkout is loaded with the most effective muscle-building and performance-enhancing compounds on the market today.
AML Preworkout is packed with creatine, one of the most popular and effective bodybuilding supplements. Many studies have clearly shown that creatine can be used to boost muscle mass after weight training, thanks to its ability to store energy and reverse the depletion of energy in the muscle.
Improved Fluid Balance Leads To Greater Strength Gains
Maintaining cell volume and fluid balance during a workout is a must when it comes to combating dehydration. AML Preworkout is formulated with the most researched source of betaine (from BetaPower® Natural Betaine), which plays a key role in supporting cell hydration. Betaine is naturally found in many foods such as whole grains, spinach and shellfish. Adding it to our formula brings the positive effects of betaine direct to your muscles.
As well as keeping your cells hydrated, betaine has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis, pack more anaerobic power into your moves, and reduce abdominal fat.
AML Preworkout Is Leucine Free To Protect Muscle Growth
Leucine is powerful muscle booster that leads to increased muscle growth when used after resistance training. However, when taken pre-workout, leucine can actually impair muscle performance and diminish the energy available for muscle movement. That's why we've formulated our Preworkout supplement to be completely leucine free.
Utilize ROS Exposure For Greater Muscle Growth And Recovery
Intense weightlifting puts stress on muscle cells, causing muscle damage and the need for muscle regeneration and recovery. Evidence is now emerging which suggests that reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced during a workout can aid in the recovery process. ROS are chemically reactive molecules that contain oxygen, and their presence can aid in muscle regeneration.
Many bodybuilding supplements contain antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, and the amino acids N-acetyl-cysteine and taurine, all of which can hinder the regenerative powers of ROS. That's why we've chosen to formulate Preworkout without these antioxidants, encouraging the natural generation of ROS and better muscle growth and recovery.
AML Preworkout is a scientifically backed formula that is packed with all the nutrients and compounds your body needs to prepare it for your best workout yet.
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