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Consuming PEAK ATP® and HMB supplements during a 12-week weight-training program increased strength and power, and prevented the effects of overtraining— according to a study led by Ryan Lowery from the Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance at the University of Tampa in Florida. The test subjects practiced an eight-week weight-training program, followed by an intense two-week program designed to cause overreaching, followed by a two-week taper. Subjects consumed three grams of free-form HMB (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) and 400 milligrams of PEAK ATP® (adenosine triphosphate) or placebo (fake supplements) daily during the study. The HMB/ATP subjects made substantial gains in strength and power during the entire study. The placebo group improved less, and regressed during the two-week overreaching phase. Supplementing HMB and PEAK ATP® during intense training increases strength and power above training alone, and prevents performance decreases during periods of intense training.


(Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 30: 1843-1854, 2016)