HMB + ATP Increase Muscle Mass, Strength and Power
HMB (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine. HMB prevents protein breakdown and promotes muscle hypertrophy. It also increases fat-free weight (mainly muscle) and decreases fat. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a high-energy chemical that participates in most cellular energy reactions. A study led by Jacob Wilson from the University of Tampa found that a supplement containing HMB and ATP administered daily during a 12-week study increased lean mass by 12.7 percent, strength by 23.5 percent, vertical jump by 21.5 percent and Wingate power (sprint exercise on a stationary bike) increased by 23.7 percent. The test subjects were involved in a high-intensity fitness program, during which two weeks were devoted to an intense program designed to create maximum fatigue. The experimental group continued to make gains during this difficult period. The study showed that HMB plus ATP is an effective performance-enhancing supplement. The study could have been improved by also measuring the effects of HMB and ATP separately. The researchers can do this at another time.
(Journal Strength Conditioning Research, published online April 2014)