Does CBD Increase Dopamine Or Lower It?
By Steve Blechman
Cannabidiol (CBD) is the talk of the town! Does CBD increase dopamine? Is it a “miracle cure?” The hottest supplement trend in years and the FDA hasn’t even approved it in food or dietary supplements. It was reported on June 12, 2019 in The New England Journal of Medicine that, “the FDA has taken the position that cannabidiol cannot be legally sold in supplements or food.” The hype for CBD as a “miracle cure” is unknown. We don’t know if cannabidiol can be a “miracle cure” for anything other than epilepsy at this time based on the scientific research! Cannabidiol is sold illegally online and in some retail stores in several dosage forms such as CBD Oil, CBD Candy and CBD Gummy Bears. Sales of CBD are projected to reach $22 billion by 2022.
In an article published Thursday, December 27 in The New York Times, it acknowledges, “In 2017, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine convened a panel of experts to review the health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids. They examined more than 10,000 studies, most of which examined marijuana, not CBD. They found evidence that some cannabinoids — not including CBD — are effective for pain, nausea from chemotherapy and muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis.
“When it comes to CBD, the panel found only a few small randomized clinical trials, and concluded that there was insufficient evidence that CBD was effective in treating conditions like insomnia, addiction to cigarettes and Parkinson’s disease, and limited evidence in its ability to treat anxiety.”
In 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Epidiolex, a CBD concentrate, for two rare and severe forms of epilepsy, on the basis of several clinical trials.” (The New York Times, December 27, 2018). Research has shown that CBD may cause liver toxicity (Molecule, 2019; Healthline, August 20, 2019). More research on long-term safety and efficacy is required, especially for daily use of CBD.
As you can see, the hype on CBD is way ahead of the science! The scientific literature supports CBD for seizures and convulsions. CBD looks promising in the areas of reducing inflammation, relieving pain and anxiety, but much more research is needed. The mechanisms of action for CBD in the scientific literature are not fully understood until recently.
So does CBD increase dopamine or lower it? Cannabidiol (CBD) has little effect on cannabinoid receptors in the brain and in contrast to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD lacks psychoactive properties or produces euphoric side effects. A most recent study in the journal of Drugs (September 2019) reports: “the most likely mechanism of CBD and seizures includes: (1) antagonism G-protein-coupled-receptor-55 (GPR55) (2) Desensitization of the transient receptor potential of vanilloid-type-1 (TRVP1) (3) Inhibition of adenosine reuptake.”
CBD can raise adenosine levels and can downregulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Caffeine is an adenosine inhibitor that raises dopamine! The reduction of dopamine from marijuana abuse and excessive use of CBD is very concerning! It’s concerning because it may cause lasting cognitive impairment! CBD exerts its anti-anxiety effects and anti-inflammatory effects in the body by activating the adenosine receptors and increasing adenosine levels.
The mechanisms of action of CBD as a TRPV1 receptor inhibitor and adenosine reuptake inhibitor may lower dopamine levels in the brain. In my last article I talked about a new study about cannabis abuse and the connection between excessive cannabis use and decreased dopamine release in the brain, which could lead to impaired memory, attention and problem-solving abilities. A new study published in Molecular Psychiatry found evidence of a “compromised dopamine system” in heavy pot smokers, and significantly lower dopamine levels for those heavily dependent on cannabis. MRI and image studies have shown that drug abuses have marked decreases in dopamine release (Neuropharmacology, January 1, 2010).
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two most abundant cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant, with THC containing approximately 12% to 25% and CBD containing 1.4%. People who use THC regularly lower their dopamine levels. CBD is an adenosine activator and doesn’t include the psychoactive effects of THC. Like I said earlier, the latest scientific research has shown that CBD can inhibit dopamine release by inhibiting the TRPV1 receptor in the brain as well as increasing adenosine (Neuropharmacology, 2019, Drugs September 2019). The spice black pepper extract containing piperine has been shown to activate the TRPV1 receptor, and caffeine, which inhibits adenosine and enhances dopamine release. Increasing dopamine has been shown to increase energy, focus, memory, alertness, attention, confidence, mood, motivation, libido, weight control and creativity.
One solution to boost dopamine levels, besides going easier on the weed and THC and CBD, is the breakthrough product Dopa Rush Cocktail™ from Advanced Molecular Labs (AML™). Dopa Rush Cocktail™ is the most potent dopamine-maximizing supplement on the market. Dopa Rush Cocktail™ is a dopamine MAXIMIZER that uses a scientifically backed formula to increase mental alertness, focus, clarity and energy. No crash, no jitters— just enhanced mood, creativity and motivation. Dopa Rush Cocktail™ is designed for students, athletes and motivated professionals for a mental edge in the office, in class or even in the gym.
For more information on Dopa Rush Cocktail™ go to www.advancedmolecularlabs.com
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