New Study: Collagen Peptides Alleviate Muscle Soreness
By Robert Schinetsky
Collagen for muscle Recovery
Just about everyone who has undertaken an intense exercise program has experienced muscle soreness and restricted movement (on account of the exercise-induced aches that accompany even regular daily movements such as getting in and out of bed). Muscle soreness is typically greater in novice trainees as well as those engaging in eccentric training, which creates more microtrauma (microtears) in the muscle fibers.
Adequate daily protein intake is a critical part of repairing damaged muscle fibers and reducing delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Other important lifestyle factors that can help attenuate muscle soreness are consuming enough total calories, managing stress, performing an appropriate amount of training volume/intensity, and getting enough sleep.
Regarding protein, whey protein is the preeminent choice among gym-goers, due to a combination of advertising and endorsements as well as a continually growing body of evidence that whey protein is an effective source of protein for helping individuals satisfy their daily protein needs (and thereby supporting muscle recovery, growth, and performance enhancement).
To a lesser extent, supplementing with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) has been promoted to help reduce muscle soreness, but as we’ve discussed previously, BCAA supplements for reducing muscle soreness and improving recovery are mixed. And, when individuals consume adequate daily protein, there really isn’t much benefit to consuming additional BCAA supplements. If you really want to supplement with a BCAA product, they opt for pure L-Leucine as it is the real “workhorse” of the BCAA family that stimulates protein synthesis and limits protein breakdown. For these reasons, AML PostWorkout includes a research-backed 5g of L-Leucine.
New research indicates that there may be another protein powder, in addition to whey protein, that helps to reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness – collagen peptides.1
This isn’t all that surprising, as collagen accounts for ~30% of the total protein in animal tissues, including muscle tissue.
20 middle-aged men (52.6 ± 5.8 years) received 10 grams of collagen peptides per day or the placebo food for 33 days. To qualify for the trial, the men were not allowed to be engaged in a current regular exercise program, but they could have had previous training experience. After 28 days of collagen supplementation, the men then engaged in a 5-day examination, which included a bodyweight squat protocol consisting of 5 sets of 40 bodyweight squats (2-second lowering, 2-seconds raising) with a 20-second rest between sets.
As expected, individuals receiving placebo experienced significantly greater muscle soreness and fatigue following the squat training program. Individuals supplementing daily with 10 grams of collagen peptides reduced muscle soreness and fatigue immediately after the squat protocol and enhanced muscle strength 48 hours post-exercise.1
Based on the results, the researchers concluded that collagen supplements “could alleviate exercise-induced muscle soreness and fatigue and could improve the muscle strength, possibly enabling exercise with greater ease to improve exercise performance.”1
Collagen peptides are most often used to support hair, skin, and nails, but a growing body of evidence indicates that it may also be a viable post-workout recovery and joint health supplement.
Advanced Molecular Labs Joint Cocktail™ includes 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides (the same dose used in the aforementioned study) to support healthy joints and greater muscle recovery. In this way, AML Joint Cocktail™ could be considered an “indirect” muscle building supplement as the ability to consistently train hard hinges on the health of your joints as well as how effectively your body recovers from intense exercise.
In addition to collagen peptides, AML Joint Cocktail™ also includes a complementary combination of nutrients (including UC-II collagen, ApresFlex, TurmiPure, MSM, and more) that aid recovery, reduce exercise-induced inflammation, and promote robust joint support.†
In fact, every serving of Joint Cocktail™ provides 17 grams of premium-quality ingredients. Most joint formulas on the market contain a mere 3-4 grams of active ingredients (at most).
If Joint Cocktail™ were to be in a capsule-delivery form (as are most joint supplements), then you would need to consume >20 capsules or tablets to get the same clinically researched dosages found in one serving of AML Joint Cocktail™. By using the powder form, Joint Cocktail eliminates the hassle of pounding back a few handfuls of capsules while also providing a vehicle for quicker digestion and more efficient uptake since the body doesn’t have to first break down a capsule.
Altogether, AML Joint Cocktail™ can be considered the best joint supplement for athletes, young, old, novice, or grizzled veteran!
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©Published by Advanced Research Media, Inc. 2023
©Reprinted with permission from Advanced Research Media, Inc. 2023
1. Kumiko Kuwaba, Masashi Kusubata, Yuki Taga, Hiroshi Igarashi, Koichi Nakazato & Kazunori Mizuno (2023). Dietary collagen peptides alleviate exercise-induced muscle soreness in healthy middle-aged males: a randomized double-blinded crossover clinical trial, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 20:1, DOI: 10.1080/15502783.2023.2206392