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Adding carbohydrates to a supplement taken after weight training has no additional effect on increases in muscle mass, abdominal fat loss or total body fat loss— according to researchers from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Untrained males participating in a 12-week weight-training program received either supplements containing 30 grams of whey protein, protein plus carbohydrates or carbohydrates alone. The drinks were consumed immediately after the workout. Weight training increased fat-free mass, muscle size and strength. The whey protein group showed the greatest decreases in abdominal fat and increases in fat-free mass. None of the supplements triggered marked changes in body composition, but whey protein alone had the greatest effects on abdominal fat and lean mass. These results might not apply to intensely training strength athletes or bodybuilders. (Journal International Society Sports Nutrition, 12: 48, 2015)