PREVENT SKIN AGING CAUSED BY AIR POLLUTION: Protect Yourself with AML Hair, Skin & Nails
By Robert Schinetsky
The skin is the largest organ of the body, and while you might think it just serves as a pretty exterior, it is actually a rather complex and fascinating entity.
The skin serves as a barrier of protection from assailants (including assorted pathogens, giving it a front-row seat in the body’s immune defense). It also acts as a massive sensory receptor for the nervous system, detecting light, pressure, heat, cold, and pain.
To top it off, the skin is also able to repair itself when damaged or breached, such as when you scrape your knee or slice your palm trying to grab a knife you knocked off the counter while meal prepping.
Like other organs, the skin is also at risk for wear and tear as well as disease, which impacts the quality, appearance, and function of the skin.
We’ve all been warned about the dangers of excessive exposure to UV-light, but what you might not be as aware of is something just to which your skin is exposed just as much as (if not more so than) direct sunlight -- air pollution.
Air pollution is all around us and comes from many sources, including:
- Smoke (wildfires, cigarettes, bonfires, etc.)
- Organic compounds, such as those released into the air by wildfires
- Oxides
- Ozone
- Particulate matter (tiny bits of matter)
Particulate matter is created from the burning of fossil fuels as well as other industrial activities such as mining, manufacturing construction materials like cement, ceramics and bricks, and building structures.
Something else to keep in mind, in terms of general health, is that these microscopic particles in the air can also penetrate deep into your lungs and cause damage to your hair, resulting in hair loss.[1]
A recent systematic review published in Dermatologic Therapy notes that common air pollutants can induce or exacerbate a variety of skin conditions, including[2]:
- Aging
- Acne
- Hair loss
- Atopic dermatitis
- Cellulitis
- Psoriasis
- Certain skin cancers (primarily melanoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma)
Recent research also gives evidence of higher death rates amongst people who have been exposed to more air pollution.[3] This is potentially more alarming when you realize that levels of air pollution mentioned in the study were below current official standards.[3]
On top of that, a most recently published meta-analysis, debuting in The Lancet, adds greater concern for air pollution. Researchers pooled data from six population-based cohort study from Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany, and after performing their analysis, they concluded that:
“Long-term air pollution exposure was associated with incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease, even at pollutant concentrations lower than current limit values.”[31]
Again, we see evidence that even “low” levels of air pollution can present considerable risk to our health and longevity.
Air pollutants can penetrate into the deep layers of your skin via the pores thereby inducing oxidative stress, thus altering the DNA, proteins and lipids of the skin. This also stimulates a cascade of inflammatory cytokines, including IL1-a, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a, and other proinflammatory factors.
The end result is an increase in skin aging and pigmented spots on the face as well as a loss of elasticity and firmness (in addition to all of the other skin conditions mentioned previously.[2,4] Oxidative stress induced by pollutants may also be a contributing factor to the development of alopecia areata, a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face, and other areas of the body.[11,12]
While it’s not entirely possible to eliminate exposure to environmental pollutants, there are certain steps you can take to reduce your exposure as well as use supplements to support the body’s natural defense systems against pollutants and oxidative stress.
This is one of the key reasons AML Hair, Skin & Nails Cocktail was created. Our best-selling skin care formula contains a transparently dosed blend of research-backed ingredients to support strong, vibrant, and healthy skin (as well as hair and nails).
What’s in AML Hair Skin & Nails Cocktail?
We’ve previously gone into great detail about the many benefits of the ingredients contained in AML Hair Skin & Nails. So, if you’re not familiar with the article or the product, click here for a very in-depth explanation.
If you’re already familiar with the product, or curious about the ingredients in AML Hair, Skin & Nails cocktail that primarily focus on skin health, read on!
Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein
Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body. It forms the structural “glue” that makes you “you” and holds your body together.
Our bodies naturally synthesize collagen; however as we age collagen production naturally declines. Exposure to various environmental factors as well as diet also plays a role in decreased collagen production.
AML Hair Skin & Nails Cocktail provides a full 15,000mg of hydrolyzed collagen peptides in every serving.
Supplementation with collagen peptides has been noted in various research studies to:
- Enhance dermal collagen density[5]
- Improve skin elasticity and hydration[6]
- Decrease activity-related joint pain[7]
- Support the recovery of lost cartilage[8]
AML Hair Skin & Nails Cocktail supplies 15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen protein + 1500mg vitamin C may increase type 1 collagen synthesis, accelerate bone healing after fractures, and reduce oxidative stress parameters at an impressive 1,500mg, which we’ll discuss a little further down.
VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides
VERISOL® is a patented blend of specific bioactive collagen peptides noted in human trials to stimulate skin metabolism and counteract the loss of collagenous extracellular matrix from the inside.
More specifically, VERISOL® supplementation has been found to help reduce skin wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and exert beneficial effects on dermal matrix synthesis.[6,9]
Research also indicates that supplementing with 2.5g VERISOL over a period of 6 months can lead improvements in skin appearance in women suffering from moderate cellulite.[10]
Hydrolyzed Egg Shell Membrane
Hydrolyzed eggshell membrane contains a variety of bioactive components that may beneficially impact the growth, development, and appearance of the hair, skin, or nails. One such compound present in eggshell membrane is hyaluronic acid.
Our bodies naturally produce hyaluronic acid, but (as is the case with collagen), endogenous production declines as we age, for a variety of reasons.
Hyaluronic acid supplementation has been noted in research to stimulate internal production of the compound, which is also known to improve skin wrinkles.[13]
Animal studies have found that natural eggshell membrane can induces keratinocyte differentiation (possibly via the upregulation of calcium signaling) and attenuate the decline in skin thickness.[16]
Recent research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that daily supplementation with 450mg hydrolyzed eggshell membrane (the same dose in AML Hair, Skin & Nails) for 3 months was associated with improvements in the appearance of facial skin and hair.[14]
Researchers also noted improvements in hair thickness and hair growth as well as reductions in hair breakage.[14]
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a well-known and powerful antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress as well as support immune function. More specifically, vitamin C is capable of neutralizing the damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute to cell apoptosis.
Research indicates that vitamin C supplementation may reduce oxidative stress parameters, increase type 1 collagen synthesis, and support bone healing follwoing fracture.[15]
Vitamin C supports collagen synthesis (and therefore the healing of connective tissue) by serving as a cofactor for prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase -- two enzymes that catalyze the hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues of procollagen. This supports the proper folding of the stable collagen triple-helix conformation.[17,18]
AML Hair Skin & Nails cocktail contains a robust 1500mg of Vitamin C per serving.
N-Acetyl Cysteine
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an ingredient that has received considerable attention in recent times due to its well-documented antioxidant and immune-support properties.
It serves as a precursor of glutathione -- the “master” antioxidant in the body, and NAC availability is a limiting factor in the process of glutathione synthesis.
Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, it comes as little surprise that NAC has been found to be helpful in improving conditions induced or worsened by oxidative stress. For example, NAC has been shown to offer protection against radiation-induced skin damage including photo-ageing, photocarcinogenesis and radiation dermatitis.[22]
Most recently, researchers found that supplementing with 600mg of NAC twice per day in combination with dexamethasone may protect against hearing damage by protecting hair cells from oxidative stress.[19]
Previous studies have also found that a combination of NAC and vitamin C may help protect skin and hair from UV light.[20]
It’s also been shown in the literature than NAC may help reduce the synthesis and release of inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-1β, as well as offer benefit to individuals with acne vulgaris.[21]
Selenium is an essential trace element found in many foods, and it serves as an important antioxidant in the body. Additionally, selenium also acts as a building block for more than 20 different selenoproteins in the body. These proteins play vital roles in things such as DNA synthesis, reproduction, protection from oxidative stress, and thyroid hormone metabolism.
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in The Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology noted that selenium levels were associated with several skin diseases and the disease severity, and high selenium levels tended to be a protective factor.[23]
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another prominent and powerful antioxidant in the body.
Various studies indicate that vitamin E may serve as a particularly useful antioxidant, thereby providing possibilities to help reduce the frequency and severity of skin conditions brought on by inflammation and oxidative stress.[24,25]
Zinc is an essential mineral involved in hundreds of biological processes, including:
- Wound repair
- Reproductive function
- Immune status
- Macrophage and neutrophil functions
- Natural killer cell activity
In addition to those roles, zinc also has utility in dermatological applications as it possesses antioxidant activity, and studies have shown it may be helpful in attenuating UV-induced damage and decreasing the incidence of malignancies.[27]
Polyphenols from Red Wine & Grape Extracts
Grapes as well as their by-product (red wine) are noted for their polyphenol content, which includes the likes of resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, and epicatechin gallate, among others. These powerful bioactive compounds help combat reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduce oxidative stress.
In fact, research indicates that resveratrol, in particular, may help defend against UVB-mediated skin damage and offer some alluring anti-aging benefits as well.[28,29]
Chronic exposure to UV-light and environmental pollutants causes damage to the skin (as we’ve said several times throughout this article), resulting in a loss of skin elasticity and firmness.
Scientists have investigated a silicon based compound called choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, since it is a bioavailable form of silicon, as a potential supplement for hair, skin, and nail health due to some animal research indicating it may help increase the hydroxyproline concentration in the dermis -- hydroxyproline is one of the key amino acids used in the synthesis collagen.
Human studies found that 10mg of silicon from choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (the same dose included in AML Hair, Skin & Nails) had “a significant positive effect on skin surface and skin mechanical properties…”[26]
Additionally, the same study also shows improvements in hair and nail health as well.
Vitamin D3
Commonly referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is produced whenever our skin is exposed to direct sunlight.
However, many individuals don’t spend enough time outdoors for their bodies to synthesize the vitamin and/or they live in areas that don’t receive enough direct sunlight for prolonged periods of the year. There is also the concern that too much exposure to direct UV-light can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer.
This can lead to deficiencies in Vitamin D, which not only adversely impacts host defense and immunity, but also negatively affects bone metabolism, mood, and hormone production.
AML Hair Skin & Nails Cocktail supplies 2,000IU of vitamin D3 per serving.
B-vitamins play an important role in many biological processes, not the least of which is energy metabolism -- how your body derives energy from the foods you eat.
But, they also play a prominent role in the growth and health of hair, and deficiencies in certain B-vitamins (including riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12) have been associated with hair loss.
Many hair, skin, and nail supplements on the market include only biotin in their formulas, but evidence is lacking that supplementing with biotin above and beyond the daily recommended value will substantially improve the health of the hair skin and nails.
As you can see, as with all of AML products, there isn’t a random combination of some proprietary blend of ingredients. Each ingredient has been chosen for a precise reason with its dose transparently shown.
AML Hair, Skin & Nails Cocktail spares no expense and seeks to deliver a premium-quality formula using research-backed ingredients to help individuals have stronger, healthier hair, skin and nails.
In fact, you would have to take over 10 tablets or capsules daily to get the same active ingredients found in 1 serving (scoop) of AML Hair, Skin & Nails! When you consider that most hair, skin, and nail supplements on the market are 2-3 capsules, you understand the quality and potency of AML Hair, Skin & Nails Cocktail -- there’s simply no comparison!
© Published by Advanced Research Media, Inc. 2021
© Reprinted with permission from Advanced Research Media, Inc.
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