New Study Says That Fasted Cardio Burns 70% More Fat
By Steve Blechman
Research has shown that fasted cardio in the morning on an empty stomach enhances body fat loss. A new study published in International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reported by medicalxpress.com on November 8th, 2022 stated that fasted evening “exercise on an empty stomach helps people to burn about 70% more fat than those who exercise two hours after eating.”
This new study supports the benefits of fasted cardio and body fat loss! “The results showed that similar to exercise after an overnight fast, fasted exercise in the evening increased the amount of fat burned during exercise.”
The study included 7-hour fasting before evening exercise. “The amount of fat burned during the 30-minute cycle increased by about 70%.”
Tommy Slater, one of the researchers and sports scientists from Nottingham Trent University, said, “Fasting before evening exercise might benefit some elements of health due to increasing the amount of fat burned during exercise, or by reducing the number of calories that are eaten during the day. If done regularly it may improve the way the body deals with spikes in blood sugar after eating.”
“However, despite the benefits fasting during the day, it does appear to reduce people's exercise performance, motivation and enjoyment, which may make it harder for some to stick with it in the longer term.”
For most people it might be best to perform fasted exercise in the morning for better compliance. Also, a new study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology on November 10, 2022 reported that exercise in the morning is associated with lowest risk of stroke and heart disease. This study involved more than 85,000 individuals.
It has been reported in the scientific literature in the past that aerobic exercise after an overnight fast accelerates the loss of body fat. Research has shown that low glycogen and insulin levels from an overnight fast cause your body to shift fuel away from carbs therefore, allowing greater mobilization of stored fat burned for energy. This strategy is basically to help you become a fat-burning machine.
An article published in The New York Times on December 3, 2019 reported that, “Cyclists who peddled on an empty stomach burned twice as much fat.” This study that was reported in the Times’ article was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The study found that exercising on an empty stomach before breakfast can lower muscle fat!
The study reported that the aim of the researchers was “to assess acute and chronic effects of exercise performed before versus after nutrient ingestion on whole-body and intramuscular lipid utilization, and postprandial glucose metabolism.”
In a six-week randomized crossover designed controlled trial, researchers at the University of Bath in England recruited 30 overweight, sedentary men. The researchers divided the men into three groups, one as a control and the other two groups riding a stationary bike, three times a week at a moderate pace tracking heart rates as well as the amount of fat that the subjects burn. One exercise group also downed a vanilla-flavored shake two hours before their ride (with no other breakfast) while the other group swallowed a similar-tasting placebo drink, containing water, flavoring and no calories. In other words, the placebo group rode on an empty stomach, but did not know it.
The riders who had pedaled on an empty stomach, however, had incinerated about twice as much fat during each ride as the men who consumed the shake first. The riders all had burned about the same number of calories while pedaling, but more of those calories came from fat when the men did not eat first.
According to Javier Gonzalez, lead researcher of the study, “The reasons for this extra metabolic boost are complex but most likely involve slimming of muscle fat. The fasted riders’ bodies had to turn to internal energy stores for fuel, including fat from their muscles. (Interestingly, the fasted riders did not feel as if their workouts were more draining than the other group, according to everyone’s subjective ratings of their exertions.)”
The results of this study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism further confirms the benefits on fasting cardio before breakfast for maximum fat loss! When you eat a meal or carbohydrate before a workout, you increase levels of insulin, which enhances fat storage and inhibition of fat mobilization, oxidation and fat burning. You do not want to release insulin before cardio if you want to burn more fat. By fasting on an empty stomach before cardio, your body can shift fuels from burning glucose to burning fat. The research shows that fasted cardio before breakfast will not result in loss of muscle tissue to a greater extent than cardio in the fed state.
A June 1, 2018, study published in the International Journal of Exercise Science reported that 10-hour fasting before a resistance training workout enhanced fat oxidation and fat burning. There are only a few studies that looked at the long-term effects of fasted cardio on body composition. The British Journal of Nutrition compared a morning run and eating an early breakfast or while in a fasted state. Not having breakfast resulted in 20% more fat being burned!
The scientific research has shown that fasted cardio could be an exciting and promising method for weight loss, fat loss, weight control and metabolic health. The research shows that for someone with stubborn body fat, as well as someone who is lean, and wants to get ripped, then fasted cardio before breakfast can enhance more abdominal fat and intramuscular fat burning!
A study published January 7, 2021 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reported that taking caffeine 30 minutes before exercise increased whole-body fat oxidation and fat burning during aerobic exercise.
Caffeine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that has been shown to increase energy, mental alertness, focus and exercise performance. It can also reduce appetite and boost metabolism and fat burning. Research has shown that as little as 100 milligrams of caffeine, the amount present in a cup of coffee, can enhance brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, and increase energy expenditure.
Over the past seven years I developed THERMO HEAT® – the most scientifically advanced thermogenic brown fat-activating fat burning supplement line ever developed! The science and cornerstone of the product line was research based on brown adipose tissue (BAT), known as brown fat!
The widely held belief that all body fat is bad is currently being heavily scrutinized, due to the recent discovery of a different type of fat in humans known as brown fat. This type of body fat can actually burn off energy in the form of heat by a process known as thermogenesis, which can ultimately reduce overall body fat.
The body has two forms of fat: white fat, or unwanted fat that can lie directly underneath the skin, and brown fat, which often is found in the shoulder blade region or the neck. Unlike white fat, brown fat is the good fat as it can help burn more calories. The more brown fat you have, the more calories you burn. Brown fat is often referred to as “the fat that makes you thin.”
Brown fat is packed with mitochondria loaded with UCP-1, the protein that uncouples fat burning with ATP (energy) production instead of converting the energy into heat via thermogenesis, making the mitochondria effectively the furnace of the cell. The emergence of brown fat as a readily available fat-burning furnace is revolutionary, but like any fire, it requires the proper kindling materials. The ability to get lean by producing extra brown fat, or enhancing the activity of existing brown fat, represents a promising way to burn fat and lose weight.
Several landmark discoveries and approaches to enhancing brown fat function are being explored at major research centers and universities worldwide, with great excitement. Brown fat research is a hot topic today.
THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™ synergistically combines caffeine with p-synephrine, a beta-3 androgenic receptor antagonist, but does not activate beta-1 or beta-2 receptors like other stimulants including ephedrine. It also contains kaempferol, a bioflavonoid derived from the Japanese Pagoda plant that can stimulate thyroid hormone activation and brown fat thermogenesis. L-tyrosine is synergistically added because it is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormone and the neurotransmitter dopamine, which are both involved in the regulation of brown fat thermogenesis. In addition, velvet bean seed extract containing L-dopa, a precursor of dopamine in the body, is included to further enhance brown fat thermogenesis and fat burning. Garcitrin extract standardized for garcinol, is an antioxidant and effective mononamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor, is also included in THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™. MAO-B is the enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the body. Inhibition of MAO-B may enhance prolonged blood levels of dopamine providing greater energy, mental alertness and thermogenesis.
AML™ THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™ also contains 6,000 milligrams of L-citrulline, an amino acid that has been shown to increase nitric oxide production in the body, which enhances vasodilation, blood flow, energy production and exercise performance. Also, research has shown that citrulline can enhance brown fat thermogenesis, energy expenditure and fat loss.
AML™ THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™ also contains Paradoxine, a patented grains of paradise spice extract standardized for 6-paradol. Human studies have reported that Paradoxine (40 milligrams per day) can enhance brown fat thermogenesis, weight loss, fat loss and reduced weight circumference. Another patented spice extract from sweet peppers is included, a capsinoid called CapsiAtra. It is standardized for dihydrocapsiate, a non-pungent alkaloid without the burning sensation of capsaicin.
THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™ also contains a potent blend of brown fat-activating thermogenic polyphenols and bioflavonoids including: CyaniMax a standardized blackberry extract containing 40% cyanidin-3-glucoside, (C3G), quercetin, rutin and grape skin extract (standardized for polyphenols).
As part of a calorie-restricted diet and exercise (aerobic and resistance training) program, AML™ THERMO HEAT® COCKTAIL™ taken pre-workout (preferably before fasted cardio), and THERMO HEAT® Fat-Burning Protein taken post-workout, can help enhance fat loss and preserve lean body mass when following a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate or ketogenic diet. A healthy weight loss is one that enhances the reduction of body fat and preserves lean body mass while dieting. That’s why I developed the AML™ THERMO HEAT® ADVANCED DIET, NUTRITION, SUPPLEMENTATION AND EXERCISE PROGRAM for maximizing brown fat, brown fat activity and 24-hour energy expenditure!
© Published by Advanced Research Media, Inc., 2021
© Reprinted with permission from Advanced Research Media, Inc.
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