Natural Weight Loss Supplements & Fat Burners
A true revolution absolutely requires a paradigm shift that fundamentally contradicts previously held notions. The widely held belief that all body fat is bad is currently being heavily scrutinized, due to the recent discovery of a different type of fat in humans known as brown fat. This type of body fat can actually burn off energy in the form of heat by a process known as thermogenesis, which can ultimately reduce overall body fat. This discovery has provided the requisite paradigm shift spawning a new revolution in weight loss that is the primary focus of the recently released book, Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution by Advanced Research Media.
The body has two forms of fat: white fat, or the unwanted fat that can lie directly underneath the skin, detracting from the physique, and brown fat, which often is found in the shoulder blade region or the neck. Unlike white fat, brown fat is good, as it can actually burn calories. The more brown fat you have, the more calories you burn. Brown fat is packed with mitochondria loaded with UCP-1, the protein that uncouples fat burning with ATP (energy) production instead converting the energy into heat via thermogenesis, making the mitochondria effectively the "furnace" of the cell. The emergence of brown fat as a readily available fat-burning furnace is revolutionary, but, like any fire, it requires the proper kindling materials. The ability to get lean by producing extra brown fat or enhancing the activity of existing brown fat represents a promising way to burn fat and lose weight. Several landmark discoveries and approaches to enhancing brown fat activation are being explored at major research centers and universities worldwide, with great excitement. Brown fat research is a hot topic today. Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution is a groundbreaking, scientific plan based on research involving brown adipose tissue (BAT) or brown fat.
Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution offers its readers a nutrition, diet and exercise program that targets brown fat, along with an informational guide on the best thermogenic nutritional supplements. Additionally, a section of the book is devoted to appropriate brown fat-activating food choices and easy-to-follow thermogenic, fat-burning meal plans. Followers of this scientifically developed program will find that they are able to harness the power of brown fat, maximize their energy expenditure, reach and maintain their ideal weight and achieve reduced body fat while preserving a lean, muscular physique— improving overall health and well-being. This program also highlights the role of natural fat burners and fat burning foods in achieving fitness goals. The subsequent paragraphs briefly review the contents of the book, which goes into the critical details required to really understand the remarkable capacity of brown fat to stimulate the thermogenic loss of those unwanted pounds, and how to maintain that weight loss for a lifetime.
Many "fat-burning" products claim that they will be able to reduce body fat and make you lean by increasing the rate at which fat is burned (oxidized) in your body. While statements like this appear, at first glance, to be plausible, they are essentially inaccurate. That is because an increase in fatty acid oxidation within white fat simply converts the energy produced during fatty acid oxidation into the high-energy compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The increased energy production in the form of ATP resulting from burning fat is not accompanied by an increased level of energy expenditure, which generates an overall energy surplus that prevents the reduction of body fat— as the body will simply convert much of this ATP surplus back into body fat within a rather short period of time. So, the fundamental problem with merely converting body fat into ATP is that this process does not increase the amount of energy expenditure, which is the only valid way to reduce body fat.
This newfound information regarding energy expenditure evoked interest in thermogenesis— which systematically drives fatty acid oxidation while simultaneously increasing energy expenditure by uncoupling the process of fat burning from the production of cellular energy (ATP). It is important to note that there are marked differences between how white adipose tissue burns fat and the way brown adipose tissue burns fat. When white adipose tissue burns up its fatty deposits, the energy generated is stored in the form of ATP; the outcome of this is that there is only a minimal expenditure of energy. Conversely, when brown fat is called upon to utilize its stores of fat, the biochemical process known as thermogenesis (the generation of heat) is stimulated and, with it, the generation of energy in the form of heat instead of ATP. And the human body has the ability to release this heat energy, effectively increasing energy expenditure, which promotes efficient fat loss and the production of lean muscle mass. Brown fat, but not white adipose tissue, has the ability to increase energy expenditure thermogenically because it contains the protein UCP-1 (also known as thermogenin). This protein is unique in that it inhibits fatty acid oxidation from generating ATP. Instead, the energy derived from brown fat gets converted into heat, which radiates off into the atmosphere.
Of all the cells of the human body, it is the brown fat cell that is the most proficient in undergoing thermogenesis due to its high concentration of mitochondria that are chock-full of UCP-1. However, there is only a small quantity of this fat-burning cell in the adult human body, and the stimuli that cause brown fat to undergo thermogenesis are not always desirable ones. The chief mechanism that permits brown fat thermogenesis is exposure to prolonged cold temperatures, which brings about the activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) receptor sites within the brain. TRPV triggers the sympathetic nervous system to release its noradrenaline stores, which once released, interact with the beta-adrenergic receptors that are embedded inside the cell membranes of brown adipose tissue. This process initiates uncoupled fatty acid oxidation, generating heat instead of ATP, which then radiates through the skin to provide us with a protective "thermo blanket." Although exposure to cold temperatures for two hours or more can trigger brown fat activity and fat loss1, such an approach is fraught with danger. Not only is this modality time consuming and uncomfortable, but the slightest error can lead to the consequences of hypothermia, which include panniculitis, shock, gangrene, frostbite and even death.
It has been demonstrated that factors other than cold can activate those members of the TRPV family that are located outside the brain. At this time, the most studied group is capsaicin, the spice found in chili peppers that contributes to its hot and spicy flavor. Capsaicin has an affinity for binding directly to TRPV receptor sites found throughout the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, including the oral cavity. These TRPV receptors act very similarly to the TRPV-1 receptor sites found within the brain. They, too, have the ability to activate the sympathetic nervous system and turn on thermogenesis within brown adipose tissue. Several studies indicate that just a single ingestion of capsaicin has the ability to activate brown fat thermogenesis.2,3 Even more interesting is the clinical finding that long-term consumption of capsaicin can significantly increase thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue and produce a reduction in body fat. Other compounds have been identified that also induce brown fat thermogenesis, either by directly stimulating noradrenaline release or by activating the adrenergic receptor sites found within brown fat. Several other thermogenic compounds can directly influence brown adipose tissue capacity to increase intercellular UCP-1 production. Enhanced thermogenesis is the beneficial result.
Overall, there has been an abundance of scientific evidence that demonstrates thermogenesis increases energy expenditure while it decreases body fat levels in adults.4,5,6 Additionally, researchers have made great strides in uncovering several naturally occurring compounds that help turn on thermogenic-induced fat loss. These compounds are often found in natural weight loss supplements that promote effective fat loss strategies. After years of delving through the literature and scrutinizing countless articles on fat reduction and thermogenesis, Advanced Molecular Labs (AML) has selectively incorporated several of these ingredients into the cutting-edge product Thermo Heat™ that is going to transform the capacity for fat loss by vigorously increasing fatty acid oxidation and energy expenditure!
While increased fat loss and energy expenditure are two key elements in the battle against body fat, their enhancement will likely initiate homeostatic mechanisms that conserve bodyweight by triggering hunger, resulting in increased food consumption. This will not only be counterproductive in achieving further fat loss, but may also contribute significantly to regaining some or most of the lost weight. Consequently, the barrier to success that food craving and increased appetite represent must also be addressed if the loss of body fat is to be maintained. Thermo Heat™, used in conjunction with the nourishing diet program found in the Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution, will help address the difficulties associated with increased hunger typically caused by weight loss with its exclusive blend of body fat-attacking compounds that also help potently suppress appetite.
Although the scientists at AML appreciate the role that stimulants have in promoting fat loss and exercise performance, they are cognizant of the disruption they can have on our circadian rhythm, including the sleep-wake cycle. It is while we sleep that the growth and repair of our overused muscles take place. Sleep is also when most weight loss occurs. As physiologic sleep is an integral component of any successful weight-loss and exercise program, Steve Blechman and AML formulated a nighttime preparation that complements AML's daytime product. This product, Thermo Heat™ Nighttime, when consumed with an evening meal or at bedtime, can elevate nocturnal levels of thermogenic fat burning, aid in managing stress and promote restful sleep. It achieves this goal by replacing Thermo Heat's™ stimulatory components (tyrosine, caffeine, p-synephrine and thyroid hormone activators) with several others that are capable of inducing relaxation, curbing appetite and burning fat.
It is well known that human health is enhanced when diets are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. These micronutrients promote and sustain a wide array of the metabolic processes required for the maintenance of proper physiologic function. The term "essential" indicates that the body itself is unable to manufacture these key components (intrinsic) and that outside (extrinsic) sources have to be relied on to meet the body's needs. As today's diets tend to be calorically dense and nutritionally deficient, most of us fail to consume even the "minimal" daily requirement of many of these essential vitamins and minerals. Meeting the minimal daily requirements of many nutrients allows us to stay healthy.7 Multivitamin and mineral supplements have been available to the public at large for nearly a century, and were initially designed to fill the significant nutritional voids in most diets, even back then. Most of today's multivitamins and mineral products fall short in their objectives as being an adjunct to enhance performance. Ongoing research at AML, covered in-depth for the reader in the Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution, has enabled production of a revolutionary new product, Thermo Heat™ Multi, which has the capacity to help fight free radicals and enhance metabolism as no other multivitamin or mineral product has ever done before, maximizing overall metabolic health. Thermo Heat™ Multi contains a blend of vitamins for weight loss that have long been shown to enhance health and wellness, along with other compounds that boost thyroid function and reduce oxidative stress. Thermo Heat™ Multi also has a novel blend of spices and polyphenols to help suppress appetite and thermogenically incinerate fat.
In general, the more calories burned during exercise results in more body fat burned. So, you might assume, based on this knowledge, that burning as many calories as possible with more cardiovascular exercise would improve your physique more rapidly— making you more ripped and muscular in no time at all. However, the assumption that cardiovascular exercise optimally promotes the development of your physique and will make you lean and muscular more quickly has not been observed clinically. In fact, extensive cardiovascular training diminishes anabolism and increases catabolism, and so it will inhibit your ability to increase muscle and preserve lean body mass.
On the other hand, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns plenty of calories and body fat without promoting muscle breakdown. In addition, recent research has confirmed the role of HIIT in increasing the levels and activity of the transcriptional co-activator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha).8 PGC-1 alpha is able induce the expression of the protein, irisin, which has the ability to bind to the receptor sites situated on the surface of white adipose tissue (WAT).9 It was observed that the induction of BAT-associated proteins, such as UCP-1 (the thermogenic driver), increased during this interaction and irisin has the unique ability to alter the structure of WAT so that it bears a striking similarity to BAT. This conversion of WAT into a BAT-like cell resulted in significant increases in total-body energy expenditure and promoted more efficient fat burning. Altogether, the Thermo Heat™ HIIT Workout is a scientifically proven fat-incinerating exercise plan that preserves lean muscle mass. The correctly combined use of this workout with the potent, thermogenic-enhancing Thermo-Heat™ products described in detail in the Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution should further catapult, and maintain, thermogenic-driven weight loss.
Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution also provides the reader with a comprehensive Thermo Heat™ thermogenic nutrition and meal plan that clearly explains the optimal use of macronutrients to further boost the thermogenic loss of unwanted body fat. This fantastic nutritional strategy also describes other thermogenic spicy foods and healthy fats that have the ability to stimulate thermogenesis and help the body burn fat. In addition, this section of the book contains several appetizing Thermo Heat™ thermogenic fat-burning recipes that will support a healthier diet that enhances the capacity to torch body fat.
Thermo Heat™ Weight Loss Revolution can be purchased on amazon.com or advancedmolecularlabs.com.
For most of Michael Rudolph's career he has been engrossed in the exercise world as either an athlete (he played college football at Hofstra University), personal trainer or as a research scientist (he earned a B.Sc. in Exercise Science at Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Stony Brook University). After earning his Ph.D., Michael investigated the molecular biology of exercise as a fellow at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University for over eight years. That research contributed seminally to understanding the function of the incredibly important cellular energy sensor AMPK— leading to numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals including the journal Nature. Michael is currently a scientist working at the New York Structural Biology Center doing contract work for the Department of Defense on a project involving national security.
1. Yoneshiro T, Aita S, et al. Brown adipose tissue, whole-body energy expenditure, and thermogenesis in healthy adult men. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2011;19, 13-16.
2. Yoneshiro T, Aita S, et al. Nonpungent capsaicin analogs (capsinoids) increase energy expenditure through the activation of brown adipose tissue in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95, 845-850.
3. Saito M and Yoneshiro T. Capsinoids and related food ingredients activating brown fat thermogenesis and reducing body fat in humans. Curr Opin Lipidol 2013;24, 71-77.
4. Nedergaard J, Bengtsson T and Cannon B. Unexpected evidence for active brown adipose tissue in adult humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2007;293, E444-452.
5. Saito M, Okamatsu-Ogura Y, et al. High incidence of metabolically active brown adipose tissue in healthy adult humans: effects of cold exposure and adiposity. Diabetes 2009;58, 1526-1531.
6. van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Vanhommerig JW, et al. Cold-activated brown adipose tissue in healthy men. N Engl J Med 2009;360, 1500-1508.
7. Lv J, Qi L, et al. Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study. Bmj 2015;351, h3942.
8. Little JP, Safdar A, et al. An acute bout of high-intensity interval training increases the nuclear abundance of PGC-1alpha and activates mitochondrial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2011;300, R1303-1310.
9. Bostrom P, Wu J, et al. A PGC1-alpha-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis. Nature 2011;481, 463-468.